Saturday, July 27, 2024

Burnout and the Relentless Project

Burnout Noun – Exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration (Meriam-Webster).

Alas, as Julia Cameron alluded to in her famous book The Artist’s Way, I have hit the wall of burnout. With events of the pandemic, a postponed wedding ceremony, a progressing military-to-civilian transition, and preparation to move across the country into a new state, I was at my wit’s end with how to manage everything at the same time. The ultimate cherry on the sundae (sarcasm) was the resurfacing issue of domestic violence in my family. I was challenged by my under-developed boundaries, and desperately needed to re-evaluate my course of action for what felt like an ovewhelm of chaos. On top of coping with my trauma and the effects of it, I needed to manage what are known to be very common and large stressors of the “normal” life…moving across the country, dealing with ongoing domestic violence in my family, re-establishing my boundaries.

Thank the heavens that I was already established with a Therapist, Betterhelp was a trusted option of counseling that I knew I needed when I first made the decision to execute the vision of the Relentless Project. I had already made significant strides in my healing, and needed the support to work on the most difficult obstacles between me and the work I want to do. 

Thank you to those who have supported me this far. I hope to bring some of my insight of how I’ve managed to make it through burnout…when I do.

Until next time.

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